*This form is NOT for events or programs to be held at Walter B. Jacobs Memorial Nature Park. Find information on scheduling nature education programs, events, and birthday parties here.
The state of Louisiana requires all persons aged 16 years or older to have a Basic Fishing License to fish in any public waters. *A lower cost Hook & Line License is available to those 16 years and older who fish only using a cane pole.
All regulations, restrictions, and possession limits set forth by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries apply to any waters accessed through Caddo Parish Parks.
The state of Louisiana requires all motorized vessels/watercraft, including sailboats 12 feet or longer and non-motorized houseboats, used in Louisiana waters to be registered with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries.
*Non-motorized boats such as canoes, kayaks, or pirogues are not required to have a state license.
Additional permit required for Cross Lake:
Cross Lake is owned, operated and maintained by the City of Shreveport as a water supply reservoir for the city. Permits are required for all boats, both motorized and non-motorized, and may be obtained from the Cross Lake Patrol Office at 2900 Municipal Pier Road, Shreveport, LA 71119.
Field Trips, Presentations, or Birthday Parties by Request
Staff at Walter B Jacobs Memorial Nature Park offer nature education programs by request. You can schedule field trips, birthday parties, and other programs for your group at the park or invite us to your site or event. Programs are free of charge and are scheduled by request on a first come, first served basis.
Note: All Nature Education Outreach Programs Must Be Facilitated in Caddo Parish!
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Caddo Parish Parks and Recreation!
Please complete the following application and background consent form to serve as a volunteer with Caddo Parks and Recreation. A staff member will contact you with more information.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Caddo Parish Parks and Recreation. All league teams are led by volunteer coaches. Coaches play an important role in the community and the lives of children by providing positive reinforcement of individual and team success.
Please complete the following application and background consent form to serve as a volunteer coach with one of our youth sports leagues. A staff member will contact you with more information.